Do you want to know some tips to get organized at work? Check them out here!
Productivity is an essential element in a corporate environment. However, for this to happen, the organization at work must be prioritized and there are a series of measures that collaborate to achieve this objective. Seeking for the best solutions according to the company helps to adopt the right strategies, in a way that the performance of the employees is increases considerably.
Organization in the workplace must be given extra attention, it helps professionals to establish their daily and tasks priorities. In this way, they will be able to manage time, organize their tasks and thus increase productivity. Therefore, increasing efficiency requires putting into practice a number of factors.
Check out some tips we have gathered so that you can promote organization in the corporate environment to achieve better productivity and results.
Avoid distractions!
Checking emails, watching a quick video that someone sent in a group chat, monitoring the progress of an online purchase, browsing on social media…there are many distractions that can take the focus off employees during work hours. Even though they are activities that take a few minutes, they are enough to lose concentration.
In the corporate environment, in addition to the daily demands and tasks, small distractions are enough to reduce daily productivity. It is not unusual to find people who spend time checking on their personal activities while at work and during office hours. To avoid these distractions, the ideal is to work two hours straight, without interruptions, in which the attention is fully focused on work activities.
Limit tasks time
Another efficient way to make employees focus on their activities is to establish a specific “block” of time for each task. By delegating tasks without a specific deadline it stimulates procrastination, because the employees will be free to execute the work only when they want.
However, when establishing deadlines for the activity to be completed, the employees are forced to get organized and manage their time to perform their tasks.
Nonetheless, it is important to set an appropriate deadline, so employees have enough time to perform the task with quality, in addition to considering other duties the employee may have in that period or day.
Thus, it will be possible to perform their daily tasks and other jobs that might come up during the day, with enough time to deliver quality work, so that they do not waste time with refinements.
Make a to-do list
This is one of the most basic tips for productivity at work. Although it might seem very simple, it delivers excellent results! Lists have an important organizing power, but it is also necessary to count on the employee’s discipline to follow the lists seriously. It is natural that even with the tasks list there is still delay to start the tasks.
Therefore, it is necessary to encourage employees to follow with the planning of their tasks and to show their importance. The sooner the demands are delivered, the bigger the productivity in all sectors. Delaying problem solving only generates more worry and anxiety, because eventually it will be necessary to perform that activity. Therefore, the ideal is to follow the tasks list and the planning, and to solve problems as soon as possible.
Prioritize your tasks
Besides making a to-do list, it is necessary to know how to establish the priorities, ordem of execution, for each task. When you have a list of demands to be delivered, it is crucial to check which one is more urgent. In this way, it is possible to organize the list in order of priority, what should be done first. When establishing activities that are priorities and those that are less important and can be done later, it is easier to make decisions and execute daily obligations.
However, even with the priority list set up, remember that there might be some last-minute demands. That is the reason to allocate time for “last-minute” demands in your daily plan as well. Once you receive these demands, you can analyze and reassemble your schedule to fit the new requests. In this way, coordination and organization are essential to meet deadlines without causing impact on productivity and efficiency.
Single-tasking – Do one thing at a time
In the past years we have seen an exaltation of professionals who can multitask, those capable of doing several activities at the same time, and that according to this idea, optimize their time. That might even be true, but what about the quality of the job delivered? Starting many activities at the same time and jumping from one to another do not let the brain to focus 100% on what it is doing.
It is known that this causes a decrease in performance, since the attention capacity is determinant to have quality on what is being done. Even if you have several pending tasks, the ideal is to focus on one at a time, start its execution and work only on it until you finish. Our brain is not a machine that can execute hundreds of tasks at once. So list your tasks, prioritize them and do one thing at a time.
Use technological tools
Technology advances every day and it brings many opportunities to improve the work routine. There are already a wide variety of tools that provide solutions for internal communication, time management, creation of lists of tasks and other resources.
Knowing and leveraging softwares that allow sharing of files among team members, organizing demands and other solutions in a quick and simple way can help the company to reach great results. Thus, the organization and management of tasks is more effective, besides having a vision of the progress of each step of the process.
Use internal communication apps
There are several apps to communicate with your teams. However, searching and investing in specific apps that help to improve the internal communication generates more positive results, since it is possible to chat or do video conferences, connect teams, and organize and locate information in a more agile way.
This connection and the closest contact with coworkers through an enterprise resource also helps to have full control of activities. Thus, eliminating communication barriers, having more flexibility and security of information, besides having instantaneous and efficient communication.
There are many benefits in adopting this type of tools, such as centralization of company’s communication in one place, which helps in the administration and organization of the employees’ work during the various steps of the project. In this way, you can be sure the productivity will increase significantly and team management will be even better.
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