Sebrae Nacional signs a contract with imMail
In the middle of the pandemic of covid-19 and in view of the need to preserve the social distance, numerous companies in Brazil have adapted to remote work. With Sebrae was no different.
Serving more than 6 million Micro and Small Entrepreneurs per year, the Brazilian institution that supports Micro and Small Entrepreneurs needed to organize itself to allow consultants to adequately serve their clients.
They decided to carry out the project to develop the Sebrae online consulting platform.
The idea is to allow the client to access the platform to program and carry out his appointments. The client can search for the consultant by theme / subtopic of action, check their availability and schedule his consultancy, with just a few clicks. Consultant and client receive a link with the day and time of the meeting by email.
The bidding took place on April 26, this year and counted on the participation of several technology providers.
“We were investing in the evolution of our videoconference API when we received the information about Sebrae’s tender. After realize the the strategic importance of the project and confirming the fulfillment of the reference term, we decided to enter with all to win this bid”, says Leonardo Valença, CEO and founder of imMail.
The company won the bid and in June signed a contract with Sebrae Nacional to supply and support Sebrae’s online consulting platform.
imMail was founded in 2015 and it is specialized in the development of communication, collaboration and videoconferencing solutions for companies.
Despite its recent foundation, imMail has clients and business partners in Latin America, Europe, Asia and in the Middle East.
The online consulting platform is expected to be launched to the public in January next year. It is expected that there will be a massive acceptance of the states to adopt the platform, unifying the service provided by consultants and facilitating the search for specialized consultants by the customers.