Success case at Ministry of the environment of Panama
At the end of 2020 through one of our partners in Latin America. We received an opportunity to bring imMail to the Ministry of the Environment of Panama. At that time, the ministry was using Microsoft suite as a collaboration solution for its company.
However, Miambiente was looking for alternatives that could help reduce its costs, but still maintain the basic collaboration needs that they had at that time with Microsoft.
In this search for different collaboration solutions, the MiAmbiente learned about Zimbra; The third largest email suite in the world, which could cover all their email needs at a much cheaper price. However, there was a big problem with Zimbra. In this mail suite there is no integrated professional communication and collaboration tools which adapts to the needs of the modern worker and the remote communication that has been established after the pandemic.
This is why our partner LINWARE who was developing the opportunity, and is one of Zimbra’s greatest partners in Latin America, and at the same time being a partner of imMail, found an exceptional opportunity to meet the client’s requirements. Thanks to the integration that imMail has with Zimbra , Linware was able to put together a package of email + collaboration and communication in real time integrated in the same screen, without the need to exchange applications, and all within the same Zimbra mail suite.
imMail, by having all the basic collaboration tools that companies need, was able to help our partner to build a winning offer that could have what the MiAmbiente was using in tools such as Microsoft Teams, but with cost savings greater than 50% compared to what they were paying at the time.
Finally, imMail + Zimbra went out to tender and was the winning bid that met all the collaboration and communication needs required by MiAmbiente Panama. Thanks to imMail, we were able to integrate 1600 collaborators in the same workplace, with all the information protected in the cloud and 100% of the data backed up.
Currently MiAmbiente has a very efficient and intuitive communication and videoconferencing system, and best of all, without leaving the Zimbra suite!
If you want to know how imMail can enhance your Zimbra mail suite, to have a much more collaborative and productive work environment, do not hesitate to contact us at sales@immail.ca