What is the importance of HR in the company’s internal communication?
The Human Resources area has a great effect on the productivity of all teams, both directly and indirectly. In addition to its role in hiring, it can also affect the way in which various processes are conducted, and there is a strong correlation between HR and internal communication in most businesses today.
As you may already know, good communication is essential to guarantee the best performance for any team. This is done at the structural level, in the exchange of information between sectors, as well as at the individual level, promoting the best interaction between employees in their daily work. And there is a lot that the HR industry can do to promote good communication.
To help you better understand this, we will explain in more detail the role of the Human Resources sector in the internal communication of your business and what actions can be taken to increase it. Check out!
What is the role of HR in internal communication?
In order to use the Human Resources sector more effectively, it is important to understand its role in corporate communication. To help you, we list here how it influences the exchange of information between employees and sectors.
Promote day-to-day engagement
One of HR’s tasks within the company is to find ways to keep employees always well engaged in their day-to-day work. Part of this involves good communication practices, including how each individual behaves. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, it makes a big difference across the company.
Naturally, the Human Resources area is primarily responsible for acting alongside managers and encouraging greater employee engagement. One way to do this is through internal training, showing which behaviors are appropriate and generate better relationships with co-workers. Consequently, this also facilitates daily communication.
Facilitate problem-solving
Some internal conflicts need help to be resolved more easily, especially in large companies, which include people with very different profiles. The clash of cultures and personalities can be quite strong, requiring a professional to intervene to ensure the best performance and minimize friction between all employees.
Likewise, an adequate internal structure depends not only on the technology and other tools used but also on how they relate to the employees’ daily lives. This is an understanding that Human Resources professionals are able to have much more clearly.
There are many things the HR sector can do at this point to ensure good internal communication, both at the structural and impersonal level.
Disseminate information and events
Last but not least, another role of HR in internal communication is precisely to disseminate relevant information to all employees, including training, events, and the like. When newsletters are lacking, it is much more difficult to keep all employees organized.
Regarding the structure, some of these communications depend on tools such as e-mail and intranet, among others. If you know how to use them, it is much easier to maintain the flow of information to and between different teams.
What are the actions to improve your internal communication?
As we have just said, the relationship between HR and internal communication is very strong, and it is essential that the sector takes daily actions to ensure the effective exchange of information and good coexistence between individuals. The biggest difficulty, in fact, is knowing where to start.
To help you with this, here are some examples of the main actions you can take to optimize internal communication. Check out.
Centralize the data
Something that makes it very difficult to exchange information in a company is precisely the arrangement of the data. It is common for different sectors to have their own spaces to store information, but some of them are of general interest and need to be accessible to any employee.
Therefore, the best way to minimize the work of internal communication on a daily basis is precisely to centralize this information in one place, so that it is easier to find. Having all the company’s communications on the same link, for example, prevents some events from being missed due to a lack of information distribution.
Encourage employee interaction
With regard to the good organizational climate, the best thing to do is to promote interaction on a daily basis, not only with regard to work and tasks but also in a casual way. After all, everyone spends several hours of their days at your company and always live with the same people. It is expected that, at the very least, everyone can understand each other.
There are several ways to promote this in practice. Some can be simple, like creating internal social networks, happy hours and the like. However, for some employees, bringing social skills training can be a good way.
Facilitate access
Of course, it doesn’t make much difference to have a large collection of data that no one can access, nor to have guidance professionals who cannot be contacted. If it is too much work to maintain communication, then your team will certainly not mind maintaining it.
Ease of access, whether in the company itself, through the internet or by the right people, makes a big difference. If channels are easy to use, then there is even more incentive for everyone to use them.
Create a feedback culture
Finally, it is important to make communication part of your company’s culture – mainly through feedback. Knowing how to evaluate performance constructively, whether for managers, subordinates and external partners, directly affects the organizational climate. By promoting a culture of feedback, you are giving all employees the tools they need to improve internal communication on a daily basis.
Now that you have this information, you can start using HR in internal communication more efficiently. Even if the changes are small at first, you will soon see their reflection on the overall performance.
If you need specialized help in this process, contact imMail and see how our corporate communication application can help you!